Mark Sanchez used 17 year old girl for top flight money access

Mark Sanchez used 17 year old girl for top flight money access The Mark Sanchez-17 year old girl scandal continues to get more dramatic. The New York Jets quarterback has been linked to Eliza Kruger and rumor has it the pair had a fling. New details about their relationship are being revealed day by day, although said details are all still rumors at this point.According091507-USCNeb-MarkSanchez v2 to, Sanchez went after Kruger because her dad is a partner in Stamford-based financial firm Five Mile Capital Partners and founder/former co-CEO of Greenwich Capital. A man like Mr. Kruger could give Sanchez some sound investment advice, which is what the website points out.
The base line of the story is that people think that Mark Sanchez had sexual relations with an under-aged woman. The reality is that the age of consent in New Jersey is 16, so there really isn't a "scandal." This leaves people trying to figure out if Sanchez had ulterior motives while carrying on his business with a high school student.

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