Faberge Spider Brooch Faberge Black Widow Brooch Faberge Jewelry - I could be wrong on this but I'd wager that if Rick had screwed himself then the show's producers would have made sure to show that fact later in the show. The fact that they didn't is a pretty good reason to accept that Rick and probably the customer as well got something resembling a fair deal.This one caught my attention as well. I know Russian coins and Russian silver better than jewelry but I thought he overpaid. Possibly he took a shot because of the cameras - the advertising value they ad to the value of the stuff he buys and his ability to resell it. I could see someone calling or visiting the store and saying "I want that pin I saw on your show" no matter how overpriced. And even if they don't, look at the number of customers that airing will bring in. Win win for him
Read More: Faberge Spider Brooch Faberge Black Widow Brooch Faberge Jewelry