Brand X Files: X-37B returns. Brittney Jones sex tape irks Ashton. Bristol Palin vs. Olbermann

The X-37B returns: The unmanned spaceplane, dubbed the "sports car" of low orbital flight, landed in California this morning after seven months in space. Sir Richard Branson is officially jealous. [AP]Ashton Kutcher vs. Vivid: Long story short: A woman named Brittney Jones alleged in Star Magazine that she slept with Ashton Kutcher; Jones has a new sex tape; Vivid, the tape's producers, are including Kutcher's name in the marketing materials; Kutcher's attorneys have reportedly fired off an angry letter. Phew -- surely this could've been resolved with a couple of tweets. [New York Daily News]Bristol Palin vs. Keith Olbermann: "Sorry we can't all be as perfect as you," the former "Dancing with the Stars" contestant wrote in a fiery Facebook note after the MSNBC host took aim at the teen mom's role as an abstinence spokesperson. Looks like someone's about to get defriended
Read More :Brand X Files: X-37B returns. Brittney Jones sex tape irks Ashton. Bristol Palin vs. Olbermann