Warning: Smoking Kills. Really? I Didn’t Know That…

 Did you know smoking cigarettes can cause cancer, along with other varied illnesses that may lead to death? The FDA wasn’t sure if you received the message through it’s already numerous anti-smoking campaigns, so they are adding yet another one. And this one is by far the most ridiculous, not to mention the biggest waste of money yet.

A few of the FDA-proposed warning labels to be placed over 50 percent of all cigarette packs. Photo: FDA
Some advocates of the campaign say it is young teens the graphic ads are really targeting. The same young teens who routinely watch movies and play video games in which people are graphically murdered, bodies are dismembered and murders are hailed as heroes. Teens see much, much worse today than what is going to be printed on the warning labels of cigarette packs. The labels are going to attract teens more than anything. It will undoubtedly become a game. I can just see the teens huddled in a corner of the park saying, “Okay, who has the guy with throat cancer? I’ll trade you a crying baby for it.” These labels go above teenager’s heads. No teen who thinks he is cool for smoking is going to see a picture of a dead body on a cigarette pack and think it can be him. That is too far in the future for a 15-year old to think about.
Read More: Warning: Smoking Kills. Really? I Didn’t Know Tha