Victorian polls raise prospect of hung parliament

The Newspoll, published in today's Australian newspaper, shows Labor sitting just two points ahead of the Coalition, 51 to 49 per cent in the two-party-preferred vote.

Fairfax's Nielsen/Age poll gives Labor 52 per cent of votes after preferences, over the Coalition's 48 per cent.

It suggests the Greens will get 16 per cent of primary votes and will win Lower House seats for the first time, and predicts the Greens could seize the balance of power in the State Parliament.

The November 27 election is the first time voters will have a say on the Brumby Government, which has been fighting a campaign on two fronts.

Their primary vote has taken a hit from a resurgent Opposition and The Greens, who are eyeing off Labor's inner city heartland.

But the Nielsen poll contains some good news for Mr Brumby, leading the preferred premier stakes on 53 per cent, well ahead of Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu who is sitting on 37 per cent.
Read More: Victorian polls raise prospect of hung parliament