Snooki's done a lot of gnarly things in the past to gain spitfire status (how about last night's WWE smackdown, or that time she ate sand at the beach and told off the Seaside po-po?), so when we found out the "Jersey Shore" cast members would be visiting MTV's "Silent Library" set, we could only imagine the sick types of tests she'd be put to. And thanks to this sneak peek of the show, which airs April 25 at 9/8c, we no longer have to wonder. (We do, however, feel obligated to warn you of its graphic, vom-worthy nature.)
Behold, as our brave little darling--with total support from her unenvious housemates--licks cocoa butter off the exceptionally hairy back of some random dude who's never seen sunlight and is wearing nothing but a leopard-skin banana hammock. Bon appétit!
Read More: http://remotecontrol.mtv.com/2011/03/15/video-sneak-peek-silent-library-snooki-licks-cocoa-butter-off-hairy-back/
Pakistan News
VIDEO: Snooki Licks Cocoa Butter Off A Hairy Guy's Back