The New York resident said that as a Naked Therapist she does not ask the client to rid himself of repressions and false beliefs while simultaneously hiding behind a wall of repression and status, but shows herself both physically and psychologically.
White is the founder of Naked Therapy and has not heard of anyone else doing it.
"The idea for Naked Therapy grew from an accumulation of my interests and professional ambitions," she said. "Having studied psychology and biology, I have a deep interest in helping people.
"I personally have found the traditional ways of many therapists boring and frustrating. I hope to offer something exciting and fresh to my patients, to challenge the puritanical basis of our society, and to have a positive effect on the acceptance of male and female sexuality."
She said that most people are interested and want to know more when they hear about her form of therapy.
She explained that by showing herself the Naked Therapist can arouse her patient, and that through experiencing and accepting the arousal, the patient is better able to experience and accept other arousal in life. She feels that the therapist becomes an example of fearlessness and self-pride and develops a level of intimacy with the patient that would not be possible in a traditional, clothed session.
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