Mark Sanchez 17 Year Old Hook Up Eliza Kruger–Was it Illegal?

  Mark Sanchez 17 Year Old Hook Up Eliza Kruger– New York Jets star quarterback Mark Sanchez is being run over the coals for allegedly hooking up with a Eliza Kruger, a 17-year-old high school girl and very much a minor. But it’s being reported that the 24-year-old football star didn’t know how young his hook-up was. She supposedly lied about her age. So if he didn’t know she was underage. And even though she was 17, is that even a crime?
Not in New York or New Jersey.  But it’s the idea of a grown man, a famous grown man, is dating a girl in high school that gives people pause. But should Mark Sanchez be publicly skewered for his alleged entanglement with this high schooler? Especially if he didn’t know. The two reportedly met at a Manhattan nightclub, which probably had an age requirement to get in, so he probably assumed she was older right off the bat. But Deadspin – in their interview with Eliza Kruger said:
Mark Sanchez 17 Year Old Hook Up Eliza Kruger–Was it Illegal?
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