Verecund, what does it mean? It’s a fancy way of saying shy, bashful, or modest. I often feel verecund, especially after getting ready to face the day in about 10 seconds while a toddler is demanding cookies for breakfast, and lunch hasn’t been packed, and the clock is ticking… Which is why I love this product – even if the morning rush and lack of makeup leaves you feeling a bit verecund, a quick coat will perk you up: It’s just the right blend of subtle and sweet, maybe that’s why it’s called “shy.” Find out what it is and where to get it after the jump…
This personal fave is by make up artist Paula Dorf Lip Slides Lip Gloss in Shy, and you can grab some at beauty shops or on Amazon here. If only it could make a pb&j too.
Read More: Verecund? Don’t By Shy, Get This Instead