Our friends over at Family Style just tipped me off to an amazing new winterwear trend: JUMPIN JAMMERZ! What are they? Oh, footie pajamas for grown-ups is all, a.k.a. THE BLOGGER’S UNIFORM! I so wish I was wrapped up in a pair of these right now. As Jaime wrote, they’re “like a snuggie with legs.”
Anyone who knows me knows I can rock a split like nobody’s business, so feel free to imagine me as the woman front and center in this photo. All she’s missing is a mug of coffee and a kid tugging at her sleeve. And a laptop. (Yes, I write all my posts while perching spread eagle. It keeps me loose and helps me think.)
If you’ve been following my posts, you know my mother has given me some interesting pairs of pajamas as gifts over the years, but NOTE TO MY MOTHER: these are actually really, totally amazing. Especially the ones with the candy-colored skulls on them. (They’ll match my daughter’s new pirate PJ’s perfectly!)
Read More: Attention: Someone Please Buy Me a Pair of Jumpin Jammerz ASAP