The 13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus

The 13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus -Ophiuchus, Now there is another sign named Ophiuchus, The Sagittarius is now comes from 17 December to 20 January according to the new Zodiac dates. The European Planck satellite has received some of the secrets of the Ophiuchus, Major structures of the universe, galaxy clusters, interstellar gas and dust.The Presbyterians may now have other Zodiac sign instead of Sagittarius . The real horoscope may not actually what we know it is. The 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus was believed to have been discarded by the Babylonians because they wanted 12 signs per year!Astronomers claim that Astrologers are using an outdated zodiac with the twelve signs covering uneven periods and that there are actually thirteen if Ophiuchus is included.Launched in 2009 to map the cosmic microwave background, the Planck satellite has observed the entire celestial sphere in the wavelength millimeter and submillimeter. Meanwhile its high-precision map of “First Light of the Universe” in 2013, he revealed valuable information about the stars located in the foreground.The origin of the mysterious “anomalous microwave emission”, discovered in the 1990s, is explained.
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