What We Know About Jessica Fashano, The Generous Citi Banker With An Amazing Laugh

New Yorkers were shocked to wake up to the news of a young Citi banker, Jessica Fashano, taking her life on Saturday by jumping off the roof of an Upper West Side building.
Fashano's passion in life was clearly charity. She helped raise money for The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund, for the Acumen Fund (which makes small-business loans to people in developing countries) and for Harboring Hearts Housing, which provides affordable accommodation to cardiac patients.
The 27-year-old left no note, though friends and family said she had been suffering from depression.
Her body was found at 8:13 a.m. on Saturday, in an internal courtyard of Trump Place - a luxury apartment complex on Riverside Boulevard where Fashano did not live. Surveillance videos captured her walking into the Westside apartment block that morning, 16 blocks away from her own home on 52nd St.
The last person to see her alive was a Trump Place resident, who rode in the elevator with her. "Dressed for the cold in Ugg boots and a winter jacket, Ms. Fashano asked the woman how to get to the roof — which has views of the Hudson River and New Jersey, where Ms. Fashano grew up. The resident... said Ms. Fashano seemed alert and aware," the New York Times reported.
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