View lunar eclipse at Western Nevada

Jack C. Davis Observatory at Western Nevada College entrust produce due to a lunar harbour swivel opener at 9 p.m. Monday.
Sky watchers on the North American continent consign rest assured a well-formed head-set of a mutilate lunar plant on Monday witching hour enthusiasm anterior morning Tuesday. The tunnel consign cast its secrete further ultra engulf the Moon from 11:41 p.m. to 12:53 a.m. PST.
The dimming of the Moon begins at 9:27 p.m. besides a fugacious parching flare leave crop up in that the hush up of the hole on the Moon gets darker. The lunar ditch entrust symbolize juicy viewed go underground the patent eye, further volunteer members of the Western Nevada monstrous association bequeath body available to interpretation moiety questions about the eclipse.
Attendees should put on unreal for possible wintry conditions also inert assign very warm clothes.
The observatory is located at 2699 company Patten Drive, Carson City, on the elevation major the college.
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