Porn Star Derrick Burts HIV Positive

 Porn Star Derrick Burts has come forward and admitted to be HIV positive. At the young age of 24 he has performed in both gay and straight x-rated movies. He formerly worked as a hotel manager and cruise ship magician before gaining employment in the porn industry. Derrick Burts went regularly for HIV testing and was advised back in October that he had contracted the disease.

Derrick Burts was tested back at the beginning of September, where he came back HIV negative. He did work between September and October on a gay porn film, this is where he believes he contracted the disease. The Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation, where porn stars are tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, claim Mr. Burts  contracted the disease through personnel activity. Regardless of where Derrick Burts contracted HIV he is urging other actors to be aware of the risks involved in working in that industry.

The actor is now calling for mandatory condom use in the production of pornographic films. He also wants there to be better health and disease monitoring systems in place. Burts’ now realizes the money made by actors in the porn industry is  not worth the risks involved. Derrick Burts said in a statement yesterday that he ” wishes he had known more about the risks of contracting sexually transmitted diseases in the industry”.
Read More: Porn Star Derrick Burts HIV Positive