Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Guess Who s Coming to Dinner : Last night’s episode might have been titled “Chuck vs. the Leftovers,” but the show served up a main course.This season’s main bad guy, Volkoff (former 007 Timothy Dalton) knows that Chuck is still alive. The real emotion, as always, comes in the form of Chuck’s interaction with his family. By telling Devin that he’s spying again (which made spying sound like some sort of drug), Chuck opened up the opportunity for Devin’s awesome smack down at the end of the show, and he’s absolutely right. Neither he nor Ellie should be anywhere near the spy world just because they’re related to Chuck, and it’s unfair to the point of cruel how Chuck keeps bringing Ellie back into it. This show did a terrible disservice to Ellie by keeping her in the dark for so long about Chuck being a spy. Yippee-ki-yay! the lovely ladies of rue are coming to dinner at my boss lady's apartment. my head might combust with all the darling peeps attending tomorrow... miss crystal g, anne sage, bri emery, the adorable southern flourish gal pal lesley graham, milk and honey julie holloway and annette's dream team (brent gipson and natalie kriss{this cutie pie hasn't gotten on the blog train...yet}). i'm speaking at a couple sessions, one with my design*sponge peeps, so if you're attending please please please come up and introduce yourself.
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