Festivus Is Here: Time to Air Grievances

Every year on December 23 since 1997, "Seinfeld" fans and general humorists have gather around an unadorned aluminum pole; aired their grievances by telling others how they disappointed them in the last 12 months; eaten a meatloaf meal with no alcohol; and performed feats of strength by attempting to pin the head of the household.
What began as a lark by a character on the popular 1990s sitcom has now taken root in the real world, to what extent and for how long into the future exactly is still anyone's guess.
The origins of the Festivus celebration can be dated back to the Seinfeld episode titled "The Strike," when actor Jerry Stiller's character Frank Costanza talked about how his refusal to conform to the increased commercialism and consumerism that saturate the Christmas season gave him an idea.
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